Wednesday, March 29, 2006

About Celeriac

Resembling the turnip in appearance, celeriac has a rough, fibrous outer skin and the flavour and aroma of celery, though surprisingly it is actually a member of the parsley family.

Choose celeriac which is pale, of medium size with a slight greenish colouring on the top, with no visible wrinkling. Celeriac provides us with potassium, calcium and vitamin C, and contains just 14 calories per 100g.

Celeriac has a wonderful ability to absorb flavours, and is infinitely tastier than celery. The whole bulb can be eaten, and the leaves are excellent for flavouring soups.

To cook, peel the skin as thinly as possible, as the goodness lies beneath it and sprinkle with lemon juice to prevent discolouring. Unlike most root vegetables, which are brought to the boil from cold, celeriac must be added to boiling salted water and then brought back to a simmer. Cut into slices or cubes and cook for 10 minutes. Raw celeriac can be used shredded in salads, but is best if first blanched in boiling water for a few seconds then refreshed in cold water to remove the slightly bitter taste.